Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas meditation

The world is like an INN; the world-to-come, like Home!A CHRISTMAS MEDITATION
WHO was this who was born on that far-off CHRISTmas Day? What manner of CHILD was this whose first bed was a rude, dusty manger? Did anyone know?

Yes! Miryam (Mary) knew. Scarcely more than a child though she was, her soul was exalted beyond our imagining as she listened to the announcement of the angel, "That HOLY CHILD which shall be born of you shall be called the SON OF GOD!"

Joseph also knew, direct from an angel. The wise men knew. . . drawn from the far corners of the earth as by a magnet. The angels knew, and all the wide golden streets of heaven were crowded with them, their faces shining with joy, and their chorus of rejoicing rising again and again, "Glory to GOD in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!" Even the living stars knew. And, one of their number was appointed to hang in luminous beauty over the spot where the YOUNG CHILD lay.

The world, the one most concerned, the world - - then as now before HIS second coming, went blindly on its way. But, thanks to ETERNAL GOD, you and I not only know, but incredible wonder of wonders, we have a personal relationship with that PERFECT ONE WHO left HIS ivory palaces and the glory which HE had with ALMIGHTY GOD before the earth was, and walked here awhile in humiliation.

We know that ALMIGHTY GOD HIMSELF spoke from heaven saying, "This is MY BELOVED SON, in WHOM I am well pleased!" SON OF GOD, KING of kings and LORD of lords! The GREAT DESIGNER and CREATOR of the Universe, for without HIM was nothing made that was made. Our GREAT HIGH PRIEST, ever living to make intercession for us. SIN-BEARER, and yet future JUDGE, for all judgment is committed unto the BELOVED ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON; the CAPTAIN of our salvation, the AUTHOR & FINISHER of our faith, the BRIGHT & MORNING STAR, the RESURRECTION & LIFE!

As instructed, Miryam (Mary) called HIM, "Y’SHUA (SAVIOUR..."for besides Me, there is no Saviour, says Yehowah" – Isaiah 43.11)" – HIS NAME is also called: "WONDERFUL (PELE: secret, mysterious, a marvel, extraordinary, a wonder, a hard to understand thing), COUNSELOR (YAH'ATS), MIGHTY GOD (GIBOWR'EL), EVERLASTING FATHER (AD AB), PRINCE OF PEACE (SAR SHALOWM)." [Isaiah/Yeshayah 9. 6]

"NO ROOM FOR HIM AT THE INN!" Could any inn contain the LORD OF GLORY? The wonder is that the walls of that small stable did not part and stretch far, far away to the ends of the universe in a vain effort to make a dwelling place vast enough to house INFINITY!

Yet this same sinless, INCOMPARABLE, UNSURPASSED ONE suffered indescribable tortures because of HIS great love for you and me! For long dreadful hours the LORD JESUS hung upon the cross, bearing the guilt and shame of my sins and the sins of all the world. HE conquered death and hell for me. . . HE walks the earth with me. . . HE has given heaven to me!

It is too much, I cannot grasp such amazing depths of love. I can only remove the shoes from off my feet and bow in silent adoration at the door of that little stable in Bethlehem and worship my SAVIOUR and my GOD, MESSIAH YESHUA, my LORD & KING!

Sha'alu (Pray) for the Shalom (Peace) of Jerusalem and all of Israel !
As we bid farewell to Shabbat, may our lips ever declare praises the LORD JESUS our KING, HELPER, SAVIOUR & SHIELD for HIS loving kindness is mighty over us.
Have a Joyous & Peace-filled CHRISTmas! – May the LIVING ETERNAL GOD, blessed be HE, hold you close, may HE hold you ever so close in the palm of HIS mighty hand and watch over you. Have a great week remembering the HOLY ONE WHOM we celebrate and adore every SeaSON!