My people perish for lack of knowledge"

Dear Gentle Reader,
...the Bible says "My people perish for lack of knowledge" the
knowledge being the wiles of the devil who roams around seeking who he may
devour. We..including many Christians are unknowingly being harassed by the
evil or unclean spirits and they have to be cast out and renounced. The
Bible says that for those who don't forgive...there are "tormenters" who are
released to really harrass the person because unforgiveness gives an open
door to the devil and opens the door to satanic agents. Ask JESUS to help
you forgive the ones who you have unforgiveness and HE will help you and
release you from the Tormeters who are assailing your mind. I had many
issues of unforgiveness and I had to cry out to Jesus and HE helped me and
gave me peace. The Bible also says that if you do not forgive your brother
then your Father in Heaven will not forgive you. Fantasy is a spirit that
attacks your mind and is a spirit of insanty. It must be cast out and
rebuked. When you meditate, Meditate on scripture and fill your mind with
the Word of God and That will transform your mind. Read it out loud so it
goes into your spirit and may GOD bless you and guide you and lead you into
all truth. Love
Thank you for what you wrote. Always in Christ's love, Jen
I think I am finally at the point in my life were I want release from the Tormeters who are assailing my mind. Funny thing is they are the people who claim to love me the most.
Preach it. God Bless.
Just Amazing, I was awoken in the wee hours of the morning with this passage given to me. I have been struggling with bitterness following a long affair my husband had some years ago and many periods of emotional abuse throughout our marriage. Lately I have been given over to fantasy after a chance meeting with a man from my youth who never married, I imagine that he needs to be loved and off my mind goes, imagining a life much different than the one I have, which breds discontent, talk about tormenting spirits, Thank you so much for the leading of the Holy Spirit in writing this, it was what I needed to hear. I have felt so far from God lately and miss him terribly.
Thank you for your efforts at encouragement and education of God's people. I have little education and no letters after my name. I write the next bit with honesty & humility, but it may come accross as facetious or hateful. That is not how I am asking. Are you truly a PhD.? Your blog has grammatical mistakes and some mispellings including that of your own name.In one place you spell it Denis and another it is Dennis. As I have tried to express I don't mean to be smart alec. You can probably find plenty of mistakes in this note.I am noone to correct the writings of a doctor. But when the subject is Knowledge don't you think the writing should be correct? It causes one to wonder if you are who you say you are. I find the message you give inspiring and truthful and I am not trying to pick it apart. Scripture tells us that those who call themselves teachers should be held doubly accountable.
The servant of the Lord who wrote this piece hails from Ireland and, most likely, his first language is Irish while the English language will be a second language to him. you need to understand that he is unlike you who are a first user of the English language. While, I understand the point that you were trying to make, I believe it is not right for you to doubt his education on the strength of his use of a language that seemed 'borrowed'. Besides, I think he did very well and conveyed clearly and in simple unambiguous terms the very truths the Holy Spirit wanted him to pass to the Church of Christ. Please, I implore you to write a response to my comment and encourage the man of God. Refrain from trying to 'tear him down' in a friendly way by thinking you need to hold him doubly accountable since he claims to be a teacher of the Word. I am a Nigerian myself and the English language is my third language. But does this make me ineffective in spreading God's message? NO. Shallom
So many Christians are completely unaware of the spirits that daily - moment by moment, and whether from inside or out, harass, bind, and speak to them.
Thank you for shining a light on them.
I pray that many eyes will be opened by what you write.
Richard. UK
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