A HEBREW SAGE MIGHT SAY. . ."Fear the LORD and the king. Do not join with the rebellious, for disaster and destruction comes sudden from those two that are given to change; who knows the doom and calamity they can bring?" [Proverbs/Mishle 24. 21 – 22 Tanakh, Kethuvim] ...the perfect proverb for political candidates, it comes with warning for those subject to "change"!
O LORD, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare YOUR praises. YOU are blessed, O LORD our GOD and GOD of our fathers, GOD of Avraham, GOD of Isaac, and GOD of Jacob, the great, mighty and revered GOD, the MOST HIGH GOD, WHO bestows lovingkindness, and possesses all things, who remembers the pious deeds of the patriarchs, and in love will bring the REDEEMER to their children’s children for YOUR NAME’S sake.
Remember us unto life, O KING, WHO delights in life, and inscribe us in the BOOK OF LIFE, for YOUR OWN sake, O LIVING GOD. O KING, HELPER, SAVIOUR & SHIELD. Blessed are YOU, O LORD, the SHIELD of Avraham. YOU, O LORD, are mighty forever; YOU quicken the dead, YOU are mighty to save.
YOU sustain the living with lovingkindness, quicken the dead with great mercy, support the falling, heal the sick, loose the bound, and keep YOUR faithfulness to them that sleep in the dust. Who is like YOU, LORD of mighty acts, and who resembles YOU, O KING, WHO kills and quickens, and causes salvation to spring forth?
Who is like YOU, FATHER OF MERCY, WHO in mercy remembers YOUR creatures unto life? Yes, faithful are YOU to quicken the dead. Blessed are YOU, O LORD, WHO quickens the dead. YOU are holy and YOUR NAME is "HOLY" and holy beings praise YOU daily. . . Selah
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