"Turn back to the LORD your GOD, for HE is gracious and compassionate, abounding in love." [Joel (Yoel) 2. 13 Tanakh, Nevi'im]
"O LORD, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare YOUR praises. YOU are blessed, O LORD our GOD and GOD of our fathers, GOD of Abraham, GOD OF ISAAC, GOD OF JACOB. YOU are the GREAT, MIGHTY & REVERED GOD, the MOST HIGH GOD, Who bestows loving kindnesses, and possesses all things, Who remembers the pious deeds of the patriarchs, and in love will bring the Redeemer to their children’s children for YOUR Name’s sake.
Remember us unto life, O King, Who delights in life, and inscribe us in the BOOK OF LIFE, for YOUR OWN sake, O ETERNAL LIVING ONE. O KING, HELPER, SAVIOUR & PROTECTOR. Blessed are YOU, O LORD, the SHIELD OF ABRAHAM. YOU, O LORD, are mighty forever. YOU quicken the dead, YOU alone are mighty to save.
YOU, O LORD, sustain the living with lovingkindness, quicken the dead with great mercy, support the falling, heal the sick, loose the bound, and keep Your promise to them that sleep in the dust. Who is like YOU, LORD of mighty acts, or who resembles YOU, O KING ETERNAL, who kills and quickens, and causes salvation to spring forth?
Who is like YOU, FATHER OF MERCY, WHO in mercy remembers YOUR creatures unto life? Yes, faithful are YOU to quicken the dead. Blessed are YOU, O LORD. YOU are holy and YOUR NAME is holy, and holy beings praise YOU daily. There is none like YOU, INIMITABLE HOLY ONE! Selah
Now, therefore, O LORD our GOD, impose YOUR awe upon all YOUR works, and YOUR dread upon all that YOU have created, that all works may fear YOU and all creatures prostrate themselves before YOU that they may all form a single band to do YOUR will with a perfect heart, even as we know, O LORD our GOD, that dominion belongs to YOU, strength is in YOUR hand, and might in Your right hand, and that YOUR Name is to be feared above all that YOU have created.
Give then glory, O ETERNAL ONE, unto YOUR people, praise to them that fear YOU, hope to them that seek YOU, and free speech to them that wait for YOU, joy to YOUR land, gladness to YOUR Holy City, a flourishing horn to David, YOUR servant, and a clear shining light to the SON OF JESSE, YESHUA ha'MASHIACH, YOUR ANOINTED - speedily and in our days.
Then shall the just also see and be glad, and the upright shall exult, and the pious triumphantly rejoice, while iniquity shall close her mouth, and all wickedness shall be wholly consumed like smoke, when YOU make the dominion of arrogance to pass away from the earth.
YOU, O LORD, shall reign! YOU alone over all Your works on Mount Zion, the dwelling place of YOUR glory, and in Jerusalem, Your Holy City - as it is written in YOUR HOLY WORD, "The LORD shall reign forever, your GOD, O Zion, for all generations. Hallelu'YAH." [Psalms (Tehillym) 146. 10 Tanakh, Kethuvim]
YOU, O LORD GOD are holy, and dreaded is YOUR NAME, and there is no GOD beside YOU, as it is written, "The LORD OF HOSTS is exalted by judgment, the HOLY GOD proved holy by righteousness and retribution." [Isaiah (Yeshayah) 5. 16 Tanakh, Kethuvim]
YOU have chosen us from all peoples, YOU have loved us and taken pleasure in us, and have exalted us above all tongues; YOU have sanctified us by YOUR commandments, and brought us near unto YOUR services, O LORD our KING, and have called us by YOUR GREAT & HOLY NAME. Blessed be the GLORIOUS NAME OF OUR LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT. Amen"
Sha'alu (Pray) for the Shalom (Peace) of Jerusalem and all of Israel!
"There were fools who suffered for their sinful way, and for their iniquities. All food was loathsome to them; they reached the gates of death. In their adversity they cried to the LORD and HE saved them from their troubles. HE sent HIS WORD and healed them; HE delivered them from the pits of death. Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for HIS steadfast love, HIS wondrous deeds for mankind” [Psalms/Tehillym 107. 17–21 Tanakh, Kethuvim]
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